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Published 9 years ago by VoyagerXyX with 6 Comments

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  • cunt

    Great news, having just bought a Lumia 640 Dual sim I can safely say i'm a convert. But they need to release dual sim lumias in the UK, we travel a lot and there are a lot of immigrants/businessmen/students/travelers who would buy them

    • VoyagerXyX

      I'm actually shocked that it isn't a thing. Are there dual sim Android devices available there?

      • cunt

        Yes but they are rare and expensive. The Prestigio Multiphone Line: http://www.prestigio.com/catalogue/MultiPhones the Moto g Dual sim 2nd Gen(Most have faulty earpieces, I had to return 6 before going to Microsoft) are the main ones.

        I bought a network unlocked Dual sim LTE lumia 640 for cheaper than a single sim in the UK. Microsoft has them to sell but they won't release with UK firmware which sucks

        • VoyagerXyX

          I didn't know you all had LTE over there either. The more you know I suppose. I thought everyone was on GSM in UK/EU

          • cunt

            Almost the whole of Europe(99.9%) is GSM. 4G aka LTE is becoming more widespread all the time.

            • VoyagerXyX

              That's what I thought, I'm glad you guys' 4G network is growing though. Thanks for the insight!

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