Post Overview
Current Event
9 years ago+4 4 0First Democratic Debate Tackles Big Money in Politics Issue
Last night for the first 2015 Democratic Debate, there was much talk of big money's influence in our political system. In their opening remarks, both Senator Bernie Sanders and Senator Jim Webb of Virginia spoke on this issue right out of the ga ...
9 years ago+19 19 0How Congress Double-Crossed Taxpayers and Created a Corrupt Private Prison Empire
The Mount Everest revenue growth in the private-prison industry unequivocally represents everything that's wrong with our pay-to-play government.
9 years ago+4 5 1How The Man Behind Ben & Jerry's Is Fighting Against Money In Politics
Ben Cohen wants to get money out of politics.
9 years ago+9 9 0Gyrocopter-Flying Activist Doug Hughes Joins Stamp Stampede
Doug Hughes, the campaign finance reformer who made headlines in April when he brilliantly landed a gyrocopter onto the U.S. Capitol lawn in order to draw attention to big money in politics, kindly sent us a photo of him with stamped money. He told u ...
Current Event
9 years ago+2 2 0Ben & Jerry's co-creator works to get money out of politics
PORTSMOUTH — The co-creator of one of the country's most popular ice cream brands is trying to stamp out financial corruption in politics — one dollar bill at a time.
Current Event
9 years ago+3 3 0Bob Menendez Corruption Case Reads Like An Indictment Of Citizens United Ruling, Too
WASHINGTON -- The indictment of Sen. Bob Menendez (D-N.J.) on public corruption charges is the first bribery case involving the use of corporate political spending to support a candidate since the Supreme Court’s 2010 Citizens United decision a...
Current Event
9 years ago+14 14 0President should act to make campaign financing transparent
A majority of the American people believe their elected officials are in the pocket of big donors.
9 years ago+2 2 0ALEC Tries to Silence Critics, Threatens Legal Action Against Common Cause
Facing unprecedented public scrutiny and a parade of desertions by some of the nation’s largest corporations, the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) is threatening potential legal action in an attempt to silence one of its critics – Common ...
9 years ago+2 2 0 x 1Our co-founder Ben Cohen on Citizens United
Some people say that a Constitutional amendment is impossible, but nearly every generation has amended the Constitution to protect and expand our democracy. This is our generation’s fight to win.
9 years ago+3 3 0Is Big Money Being Used to Bully Judges?
When corporations with a private agenda can selectively barrage our airwaves with attack ads, they can shape the national conversation, destroy reputations or curry favor with politicians. They can even influence our judiciary system....
9 years ago+7 7 0Why I Ditched My Credit Cards for Cash
Corporate greed and power has overtaken our political system. Recent Supreme Court rulings chose to empower rich donors over voters....
9 years ago+18 18 0 x 16 Ways to Get Big Money Out of Politics
As gobs and gobs of money in the form of campaign contributions keep congesting our elections, "We the People of the United States" are forced out of this crucial political process. If we want to reclaim our seats at the decision-making tab ...
10 years ago+15 15 0Maine Fights for Clean and Fair Elections
A great example of Republicans, Democrats, Independents and Greens coming together to #GetMoneyOut of politics.
10 years ago+15 15 0Stamping money out of politics
Ben & Jerry's co-founder and founder Ben Cohen, makes the case to get big money out of politics.
10 years ago+9 10 1Ben From Ben & Jerry’s Has Some Thoughts on Campaign Finance Reform
Face it: All our politicians of both parties arrive in Washington indebted to the 1 percent. Until this changes, nothing else will.