• Appaloosa

    Hey man, it's great stuff. Thank you for sharing. Reputation right? Recognition for the good work. You may have noticed you got some down votes. So you know, those down votes were not against your work. Your first post went well, and it didn't get any. Check out the reason for the down votes. It was about keeping it fair for all of the aspiring talent. Share, share more about what you don't understand, challenge things you know about that just ain't so. Your poetry says you have a lot to say, but it's more than just you, so contribute to conversations...even if it is to say it's bullshit and you don't agree. Get that chance to make that 10% meaningful, because you have to give 90% more of your effort. The 10% is the prize to go after. You have a lot to contribute, 90% is easy, the 10% is not!.