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  • Image
    9 years ago
    +19 19 0

    Side by side comparison of Gakusen Toshi Asterisk with Rakudai Kishi no Cavalry

  • Video/Audio
    9 years ago
    +23 23 0

    ZHIEND, the fictitious band from Charlotte, has released an album!

  • Text Post
    9 years ago
    +8 8 0

    Schwalla people, it is I the one and only Unpronounceable!

    Once upon a time there was a man. A man who was traveling to world searching. Searching for a treasure. This treasure was no chest full of gold, an ancient lamp or the legendary golden apple. No. This was a far greater treasure. A single piece of paper. A piece of paper that once burnt it is said to grant you the power of a god. This is what the man wanted to obtain.

    He faced many harships on his journey. He lost loved ones. He fought through hordes of demons. But worst of all, he lost his closest friend. When all seemed to be lost and the man was about to give in to his inevitable fate, he found it. He found the piece of paper he had spent years of his life searching for. Now it was right there in front of him. The man reached for it.

    Was it worth it? A voice echoed through the room. The man was startled and took a few steps back.

    Who are you? Show yourself! The man shouted. The voice started to chuckle. Dust in the room gathered and began taking the form of a girl.

    I am the god of languages. She said. The man looked shocked. With a skeptic voice he said:

    You? A god? You're just a child! The god looked up at him. She looked furious.

    I'll have you know I'm nine hundred and sixty nine years old! She bursted out. The man wasn't faced at all. He just bowed down to the gods height and said:

    Aww you're so cute when you're mad. The god snapped. Wind started to rise in the room lifting up both of them. The god was mumbling something incomprehensible to the average man like us. And boom the man was gone. He had been teleported into another world. A world the inhabitants called Earth. Not enough with that, the god had also layed a cure upon him. His name will now and forever remain Unpronounceable.


    What's up people I'm Unronounceable. I just joined but so far this site looks like it'll be pretty great once it gets going. I'm looking forward to see the evolution. As for what I like, I like a bit of everything. Anime, music, gaming, movies, TV-Shows, graphic design, writing... the list goes on.

    Welp that's pretty much it. Again looking forward to be part of the site and see it grow.

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