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Published 9 years ago by Tzvetelin with 9 Comments

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  • sjvn

    This kind of dumb mistake should get a F in a freshman programming class, that it exists in an enterprise program from a major vendor is next to unbelievable. It is real though. I've tested it myself--on a test network, I didn't whack any of my friends--and sure enough "Kaboom!" Amazingly bad!

  • Splitfish

    I heard that skype made is so it's can't be sent out anymore. By the way, what is with these exploits lately? First iOS just a few days ago, now skype, what's next?

    • Nanotwerp

      That's exactly what I was thinking. That 'Effective Power' glitch and now this...

  • drunkenninja

    I'm not about to test this on my self!

    • Gozzin

      whether it’s running on Windows, Android or iOS. Apparently the OS X app is unscathed

      Running Elementary OS ,which is based on Ubuntu...Can't get me Na,na,na!!!!!

      • Nanotwerp

        I'm running High OS, so eat it

        tips Fedora OS

  • Nanotwerp (edited 9 years ago)

    Okay, umm.

    I just sent this to my Skype contacts, and now it's showing that yellow sign thing. I'm running Fedora 21, but I'm pretty sure I broke my own Skype.

    EDIT: False alarm...?

    • drunkenninja

      You sent it to your contacts?!? You evil bastard ;D

      • Nanotwerp

        Yeah. I noticed 1 of them instantly went 'busy' after I sent it. I feel so mischievous. Maybe I could break all my friends' Skype to forcefully make them switch to Tox!

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