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  • Image
    7 years ago
    +12 12 0

    A Virtually Perfect Date

    It’s a comic about video game phrases. The Black Forest cake references portal. Panel 1 references Starcraft. Panel 2 references Fallout. Panel 3 references Baldur’s Gate. Panel 4 references Pokemon.

  • Image
    7 years ago
    +11 11 0

    Why You Should Not Be An Asshole To Other People

    I had a three day down-time this week, sorry for that. Personal stuff got in the way. But we’re going back to normal starting today. Also, try to be nicer to other people.

  • Text Post
    7 years ago
    +10 10 0

    Podcasts like Hardcore History

    I discovered Dan Carlin's Hardcore History a few months ago, and I already got to listening to most of his stuff twice. Thing is, it takes a really long time for him to release new material, so I'm wondering if you guys know any other good history podcasters, preferably with a delivery style similiar to his.


    (By the way this is my first post on Snapzu!)