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  • 9 years ago
    Comment TheEnglishMajor

    It IS my birthday today!

  • 9 years ago
    Comment TheEnglishMajor

    Though I couldn't comfortably say I know anything about the science or machinations of politics, from a sheer observer standpoint, I'd like to comment that the environment of this presidential election is very different than it ever has been -- it's completely changed from even the last two or three. A whole new generation has "come of age," has reached a place in their professional lives where voting feels necessary, feasible, and worthwhile for the first time. Add to that a candidate's ability to interface with his constituents directly through all the various online channels without needing the major backing of The Important People, and I'd bet it'd be hard for anyone to discount his chances completely.

    I've heard people smarter than me say that the younger generations were the ones who elected our current president. If that's true, I'd say Bernie Sanders's chance is as good as anyone's, because he's mobilized the Millennials even more. And if it works -- even a little bit, even if he doesn't win -- this idea of a kickstarter candidate could at the very least change the way these campaigns are run!

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  • 9 years ago
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  • 9 years ago
    Achievement TheEnglishMajor

    Worth a thousand words

    Published 2/2 image snaps! Congratulations TheEnglishMajor on this achievement!

    +2860 XP
  • 9 years ago

    Bernie Sanders Rally in Louisiana Draws Bigger Crowd than Republican Louisiana Governor

    Sanders packed a larger room at the center for his speech, with supporters filling bleachers and crowding into a standing-room section of the venue. Estimates by organizers suggested the crowd was about four times as large as the roughly 1,000 people who came out to see Jindal’s speech.

  • 9 years ago
    Achievement TheEnglishMajor

    Busy Bee

    Maintained a 7 day login streak 2/2 times! Congratulations TheEnglishMajor on this achievement!

    +2860 XP
  • 9 years ago
    Comment TheEnglishMajor

    Of course!

    Everyone knows that Muslim shooters are completely in touch with reality -- they're just bad, malicious people, predisposed to violence by their wrong beliefs.

    Christian shooters are broken exceptions to an otherwise peaceful, loving religion, that's never been responsible for sweeping genocides.


  • 9 years ago
    Conversation TheEnglishMajor
    This comment has gained traction and has turned into a conversation.

    Here's something I've never understood.

    If it is your opinion -- and you freely admit it to be an OPINION -- why would you rage out attempting to defend or preserve that opinion?

    An opinion is just a thing you think, based on the information you have, that you admit may or may not be true.

    I adore discussing opinions and the differences between them, but I'm never going to lose my mind because something I voluntarily deem an opinion isn't being respected or agreed with, because by nature of calling it an "opinion," I'm admitting to the existence of a potential margin of error!


    Otherwise -- if you're convinced your opinion is not wrong and could not be wrong -- you'd call it "truth"! (Even if what you deem "truth" is, in fact... not.)

  • 9 years ago
    Comment TheEnglishMajor

    Interesting -- I'm not sure I'm willing to follow this article down every trail it takes, but I am suddenly realizing that, even as a woman, I've hated the voice of every female DJ I've ever had to listen to. I can't think of a single one that didn't sound "bad" in some way or other. If this really is a subversive, sexist mindset, I wonder how it's propagated? At what point and under what circumstances are we socialized to think/hear this way?

  • 9 years ago
    Comment TheEnglishMajor

    I eventually figured out that she couldn't conceive of the possibility that I could understand what she was thinking and not agree with her. She thought it, therefore it must necessarily be true.

    I've observed this behavior before, but I was never able to think of it in such clear terms, to get to the root of it as you have here. This small-minded, self-assured thinking typically scares me. Whenever I encounter someone who cannot imagine that they may be even partially wrong, I start to judge that person as dangerous (whether or not that's the right thing to do, it's certainly what happens).

    People who aren't able to question their own perceptions, who aren't able to be skeptical of themselves, are the ones who can rationalize and justify the most horrible, "means-to-an-end" actions. And when I see that behavior, alarm bells go off.

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  • 9 years ago
    Comment TheEnglishMajor

    Here's something I've never understood.

    If it is your opinion -- and you freely admit it to be an OPINION -- why would you rage out attempting to defend or preserve that opinion?

    An opinion is just a thing you think, based on the information you have, that you admit may or may not be true.

    I adore discussing opinions and the differences between them, but I'm never going to lose my mind because something I voluntarily deem an opinion isn't being respected or agreed with, because by nature of calling it an "opinion," I'm admitting to the existence of a potential margin of error!


    Otherwise -- if you're convinced your opinion is not wrong and could not be wrong -- you'd call it "truth"! (Even if what you deem "truth" is, in fact... not.)

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  • 9 years ago
    Achievement TheEnglishMajor


    Published 2/2 analysis snaps! Congratulations TheEnglishMajor on this achievement!

    +2825 XP
  • 9 years ago
    Analysis TheEnglishMajor

    Holacracy, Explained: An Illustrated Guide to Management-Free Organizations

    Have you heard about Holacracy? If you’re watching the startup and tech scene, then there’s a pretty good chance you have. Holacracy is a management-free way to run a company... One thing that we noticed along the way is that there’s a huge breach between how simple and efficient Holacracy can make work and how not simple it is to understand.

  • 9 years ago
    Level Up TheEnglishMajor

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  • 9 years ago
    Achievement TheEnglishMajor

    The Contributor

    Submitted 10/10 items to social modules. Congratulations TheEnglishMajor on this achievement!

    +2540 XP
  • 9 years ago
    Related Link TheEnglishMajor

    Shooter had history of religious, political rants

    TheEnglishMajor added 1 related link(s)

    There are a total of 1 items in the related links
  • 9 years ago
    Current Event TheEnglishMajor

    Shooter had history of religious, political rants

    The shooter in Thursday night's shooting at the Grand 16 Lafayette movie theater has been identified as John Russel Houser, 59, of Alabama.

  • 9 years ago
    Comment TheEnglishMajor

    I could not agree more with this, and wish I had more up arrows to give. Vary the roles, vary the stories that "matter."

  • 9 years ago
    Achievement TheEnglishMajor

    Rapid Response

    Commented on 5/5 within 30 minutes of publication! Congratulations TheEnglishMajor on this achievement!

    +2530 XP
  • 9 years ago
    Comment TheEnglishMajor

    Marketers will be able to look at a calendar with specific happenings like golf tournaments or awards shows as well as more general themes like back to school. The calendar lets brands plan months in advance.

    From a marketer's standpoint, this will be invaluable to small businesses still experimenting with social media advertising.

    From a user's standpoint... I'm not looking forward to the endless "Are you watching the #Superbowl? Come buy our completely unrelated product instead!" messages.

  • 9 years ago
    Comment TheEnglishMajor

    I love the idea of seeing more realistic bodies in games, cartoons, and other media, but that doesn't mean making every single character plus-sized. We need variation, we need women (and men!) of all proportions. Because the truth is, there are women who look like Rikku. They do exist. And by erasing that body type from view, you're just alienating a whole different group.

  • 9 years ago
    Comment TheEnglishMajor

    The idea of journalism being for-profit at all continues to vex me. If the purpose of journalism is to present objective facts and report on happenings, then for-profit models automatically corrupt that purpose. Journalism should be funded in ways similar to nonprofits -- if we want the service and believe in the work, we contribute, we volunteer our efforts, we hold fundraising events. Ad blockers are the least of the industry's problems. It needs an overhaul, a new direction.

    As soon as a reporter's salary is determined by administrators looking to turn a profit, journalism becomes entertainment geared toward generating controversy. And if those profits come largely from paid advertising, then any potentially unbiased message has to sit next to specifically persuasive, manipulative ads, confusing the whole thing.

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  • 9 years ago
    Achievement TheEnglishMajor

    Good Image

    Reached a reputation rating of 70%. Congratulations TheEnglishMajor on this achievement!

    +5055 XP
  • 9 years ago
    Comment TheEnglishMajor

    I recently conquered a lifelong phobia of lizards -- the severely-crippled-me and impacted-my-daily-life kind of phobia.

    After a single session of cognitive behavioral therapy, I was able to hold a lizard in my hands and let it crawl all the way up my shoulder! (For context, I used to be nearly incapable of saying the WORD "lizard" or looking at photographs/cartoons of lizards, much less getting within a voluntary yard of one.)

    I'm still fighting some residual discomfort, largely because I'm now scared of potentially relapsing should I have a negative encounter with a lizard (rather than fearing the encounter itself), but this is the first time in my life I've been able to interact with nature or The Outside! And that's pretty damned cool.

  • 9 years ago
    Analysis TheEnglishMajor

    The Colour Wheel of Tech: Why Apple hates Google, Facebook is the new Microsoft, and more

    Thinking about the MTG Colour Wheel, and how perfectly it captures these values and differences, got me wondering why this circular framework hasn’t yet been applied to the tech world. No rectangular matrix quite captures why Google can see so eye-to-eye with Twitter or Amazon yet be so perfectly antithetical and hostile to Apple and Microsoft... With this in mind, I put together what I think could qualify as a first draft for the ‘Colour Wheel of Tech’.