TheEvilDrCube's feed

  • 9 years ago
    Level Up TheEvilDrCube

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  • 9 years ago
    Achievement TheEvilDrCube

    Hat Trick

    Maintained a 3 day login streak 2/2 times! Congratulations TheEvilDrCube on this achievement!

    +1310 XP
  • 9 years ago
    Comment TheEvilDrCube

    I have a couple... The first one happened when I was in grade school. I was playing a game of keep away, or some nonsense, and ended up getting slammed into a brick wall (it was a very physical game of keep away, okay?). My elbow is what made contact with the wall. Instantly grabbed my elbow and started quickly walking to the nurses office, because you know... No running in the halls. By the time I got to the nurses office, blood was dripping through my fingers. When I uncovered it, you could see the bone. So the public school nurses did everything she knew to fix it, which was just wrap it in a bunch of gauze. Honestly, I don't know what a doctor would have done better. With it being the elbow, there isn't any muscle, and since it hit a brick wall it was just ripped to shreds. So I have a pretty nasty scar on my elbow.

    The next is a funny one. So, I really wanted some cheese. Unfortunately for me, I was half asleep and the pack of cheese was sealed. So, I took a knife and decided to hack my way into it. In the process of hacking into it, I hacked into my index finger as well. I cut a chunk of skin on the corner of my finger. I instantly knew what I did, and grabbed the base of my finger to act like a tourniquet. I didn't cut the chunk of skin off, it was basically just a flap of skin about the size of a pinky nail (hopefully no one has a giant pinky nail and gets the wrong visual). I was surprised it wasn't bleeding, and decided to let up on the base of my finger a bit, then all the blood came gushing out. I didn't realize I had that good of a grip on my finger. Since it wasn't a huge piece of skin, and it was a pretty clean cut, I should just clean it and wrap it up. So now I have a scar on the tip of my finger that I have no feeling in.

    So there you have my two, much longer than necessary , stories of how I got these scars.

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  • 9 years ago
    Level Up TheEvilDrCube

    Level 2

    TheEvilDrCube is now level 2 with 1,040 XP.

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  • 9 years ago
    Comment TheEvilDrCube

    But we had something beautiful together and they just threw it all away!

    Seriously though, I'm really like this place so far. I can't wait to see it grow.