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  • Text Post
    8 years ago
    +3 3 0

    My obsession with Batman has recently been rekindled!

    At 5 years old there was one movie that I watched over and over and over - Batman (1989). I wasn't much of a reader throughout my childhood, so movies were my primary form of entertainment. In the early 90s, the animated series came out.

    I wasn't much of a fan of the movies or cartoons that followed 1989 and TAS, up until Batman Begins.

    Christopher Nolan rekindled my interest in Batman.

    I kept hearing about how good the Arkham games were. I couldn't buy into it.

    Well, for father's day, my wife gave me a $25 gift card to Gamestop.

    So, I grabbed Arkham Asylum and Arkham City.

    Since then, I've been scouring the Internet for all Batman-related information. I had purchased The Long Halloween, Dark Knight Returns, Killing Joke, Court of Owls, Hush, Earth One, and Year One a few years back for the Nook with a B&N gift certificate from my wife. Although I've loved reading now for the past 10-15 years, I couldn't get into the graphic medium. I purchased them more out of the idea that I might want to read them some day.

    Well! I'm glad I did!

    In the last few days I've read Court of Owls. I'm going to start reading one of the others tonight. I'm hooked!

    Now, 1/3 through Arkham Asylum, my obsession with Batman has finally been rekindled!

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  • Text Post
    8 years ago
    +4 4 0

    Redditor, INTP, Libertarian, Christian, Husband, Father.

    Hello! Based upon the characteristics listed in the above title, do you guys/gals recommend any tribes?

    Edit: and also Beard (I don't know why I humped the caps in the title).