• dougbdl

    One party eliminated the independent office though, and one party did not. Having a few members of a party complain about oversight is one thing, having enough of them to eliminate independent oversight is another. This is not a case of "both parties are equally bad". One party had the political power to get rid of it and they did. The other party could have a few years back when they had the majority and they didn't. Those are the facts. Be very clear, people like magisterludi want to muddy the waters and lay this at the feet of the minority party. They are NOT responsible for this. I have a feeling this technique will be used very often in the coming few years.

    • MAGISTERLUDI (edited 8 years ago)

      " people like magisterludi want to muddy the waters and lay this at the feet of the minority party."...Nope

      Nothing in my link/proffer is conjecture or attribution, too bad/sad dougbdl can't state the same.

      I should guess any reason would be a good reason to go off on a rant. That's the way it is when one reacts rather than reflects.

      And yes your forthcoming apology is accepted......"NOT"........LOL