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Published 9 years ago by TNY with 4 Comments

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  • Appaloosa

    That's pretty interesting. I am color deficient myself, so certain colors or shades of colors do not exist for me.

  • smithcmau

    Tetrachromacy or "super vision" is beginning to peak through in small numbers, which adds another layer of color differentiation. I envy those folks that have it.

  • FistfulOfStars (edited 9 years ago)

    Interesting read.

    Once, I was driving across Hokkaido, nothing but white snow for miles. One thing that struck me were the barns and other rural building roofs. They all were a very specific hue of what I'd consider "teal." It was quite beautiful, I even later used that particular hue to paint some walls in my home. I'm not sure exactly why that particular color was so widely used, but it was their equivalent of our 'barn red.'

    I vocalized my observation, and my friend told me that traditionally the Japanese don't differentiate between blue and green, that they were just considered different shades of the same color.

    That piqued my curiosity, so I did a little research and I found that it was quite common across cultures.


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