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Published 7 years ago by TNY with 2 Comments

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  • NinjaKlaus

    I'm a little sad to read this about Masterson, I kind of enjoy The Ranch and these accusations probably mean it has to end soon. Other than that, fuck em, if even half of what has been claimed about him is true he deserves to be booked and put in regular prison not a cushy Martha Stewart country club one.

    I'm more concerned with the apparent buying off of the LAPD that the Scientologists can do. Then again this is the group that doxed the FBI and IRS into giving them religion and tax exempt status.

    • drunkenninja

      I'm more concerned with the apparent buying off of the LAPD that the Scientologists can do. Then again this is the group that doxed the FBI and IRS into giving them religion and tax exempt status.

      These guys will do anything to protect their 30 remaining members.

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