• archmagician

    Yup. And now a coalition with the DUP who Jon Snow is referring to as one of the most extreme political entities in Britain. Things are going to get worse.

    • Appaloosa

      And UKIP...what a laughing stock. It's amazing to to hear the vitriol surfacing against the media and it's participation in hiding the real issues...billions spent to bail out banks that were cheating, those billions diverted from health care, education etc...and given to crooks to bail them out

      • archmagician

        UKIP are idiots and it was good to see their share of votes decline. I've managed to see a few headlines throughout the day and May appears to be getting more delusional. Linking up with the DUP who seem to be a bunch of nutters is just a sad case of her desperately clinging to power. I wouldn't be surprised to see another election in the autumn (if not sooner). Who knows what the hell will happen if Boris becomes PM.