7 years ago
Congress votes to disallow consumers from suing Equifax and other companies with arbitration agreements
The Senate voted late Wednesday night to strike a federal rule that would have allowed consumers affected by the Equifax hack to sue the company.
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Congress representing their real constituents.
Corporations are people, they are the real people. Us, we are just consumers.
When political parties say they are for "smaller government, less regulations", that is only for the people. For consumers they are for bigger government and more regulations.
Yep,that's how it is and how it always will be.
Talk about blatant collusion and corruption. The US government or a criminal organization
If they’ve lost Appaloosa, they’ve lost Middle America.
Long ago. Their approval rating is somewhere south of 15%. .
I'm surprised they didn't wait until a Friday night so it would hopefully go into that weekend nobody noticed slot.