8 years ago
CNN drops Donna Brazile as pundit over WikiLeaks revelations
CNN has cut ties with commentator and interim Democratic National Committee chair Donna Brazile after WikiLeaks revealed that Brazile provided more primary debate questions to Hillary Clinton’s campaign. The network confirmed Monday that it had accepted Brazile’s resignation as a contributor on Oct. 14 after the hacked emails showed that she had tipped off Clinton’s campaign to likely questions during the primaries.
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Her and that pig Wasserman-Shultz....nice bunch on the Hillary team...and dummy Bernie still supports them.
Bernie has little choice in the matter, he's an independent, meaning if he doesn't caucus with the Democrats he's an island on his own and probably wouldn't be allowed to sit on committee's and things, he's too radical to caucus republican so he must tow the party line with the Dems.
hes a independant now that the dnc robbed him of being president. He left the dem party day after he conceded the nomination to hillary
He was an independent before he ran too, he changed party affiliation to run as a Dem for President.
They (or another 24 hour news channel) will have her back by the end of next week.
ABC and CNN both already had let her go/she stepped aside as an analyst because, her job as interim DNC chair means she has a partisan position, as if being DNC chair or not meant she didn't. Although her not appearing on election night would seem strange, she's been on the ABC/CNN panels for forever.