• Gozzin (edited 2 years ago)

    I've been vindicated! As I've said for years, the real reasons a meatless diet agenda has been rammed down our throats is purely for profit. These companies are not doing this for the environment of for our health, not by a long-shot.

    The same goes for the push to make us eat insects...Of course x amounts of insects are in our food anyway,so no one is really eating vegan due to that.

    Since Mr. eat processed veg is not making enough money (they never make enough money) selling processed legumes,he decides to ditch the carrot and pull out the stick. " You will buy and eat my offerings whether you like it or not cause I've got more power and money than you."

    I hate people trying to force people to follow their agenda. I have IBS and eating his way will hurt me physically. So even if he wins this round,I'll eat what I want and it will not do what Mr. know it all demands. People like him have no concern for people with GI problems like IBS/IBD and ,food allergies,and so on. One size fits all is his motto since he sees the world as his oyster,um,I mean bean sprout.