Post Overview
5 years ago+8 8 0Fast Content Creation: Top 5 Secrets of the World’s Most Prolific Writers
Have you ever wondered how prolific writers churn out content at lightning speed? Learn these secrets for fast content creation to write more in less time.
5 years ago+7 7 0Spot Zero is Gone — Here's What We Know After 30 Days
A month out from Google eliminating position zero, what's changed? PJ Howland of 97th Floor investigates the data and shares key takeaways, from vastly different CTR to the impact of PAAs and beyond.
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5 years ago+11 11 0Pay Attention to These SEO Trends in 2020 and Beyond
We've already seen a sea change in how we think and execute on SEO in the past few years, but the future holds even more change — and more opportunity. Explore a rundown of key SEO topics to keep an eye on in the coming year in this article.
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5 years ago+10 10 0How to Write Captivating Headlines: A Powerful 5-Step Process
This five-step process will help you write captivating headlines so your target audience reads your valuable blog posts.
5 years ago+10 10 0On writing, giving advice, and understanding yourself
Writer and editor Brandy Jensen on giving yourself the space to be creative, and the difficulty of understanding yourself in the present.
5 years ago+7 7 0The Not-So-Secret Value of Podcast Transcripts
What are the benefits of transcribing your podcasts and what's the best way to go about getting them on your site?
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5 years ago+10 10 08 Strategies That Will Help You Improve Your Writing Skills
Here are eight steps to follow that will help you become a better writer and sharpen your writing skills.
5 years ago+13 13 0How to Write Better
No matter your medium, writing is a learned skill that doesn’t come naturally to everyone. Moreover, writing well is hard work and, unfortunately, there are no simple shortcuts to becoming a wordsmith overnight.
5 years ago+8 8 0On Learning, Listening, and Always Moving Forward
Podcaster, writer, and musician boice-Terrel Allen on how starting a podcast changed his life, not letting fear get in your way, and what can be learned by listening to other people’s stories.
5 years ago+6 6 0Commenting on Blogs: The Easy Way
Commenting on blogs is a simple way to get your name into search engines if you're a new writer. Don't be afraid to de-lurk!
5 years ago+21 21 04 Tips To Boost Writing Productivity this Holiday Season
Don't let the hustle and bustle of the approaching holiday season affect your writing productivity—here are 4 ways to stay focused on your book!
5 years ago+8 8 0On the Differences Between Creativity and Productivity
Writer and critic Yanyi on the realities of leaving your day job, the complicated relationship between being creative and being truly productive, and the value of sometimes changing your mind.
5 years ago+7 7 010 Link Building Lies You Must Ignore
Even though link building has been a trade for more than a decade, it’s clear that there is still an enormous amount of confusion around it.
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5 years ago+19 19 0Habits of Highly Effective Writers
Some always outline; others never do. Some write in cafes; others don’t leave the house. Here’s a peek at the writing routines of authors on this week’s best-seller lists.
5 years ago+14 14 0A creative person’s guide to feeling healthy
Tips to nourish your physical and mental wellbeing while you try to do it all, written by Franziska Eichler with illustrations by Molly Grund.
5 years ago+14 14 06 Old Grammar Rules That Are Finally Going Out of Style
Can you end a sentence with a preposition? Not according to old-school grammar rules. But we think you should ignore them. Here's why.
5 years ago+16 16 0On creating a space for yourself
Writer Ryan O’Connell on how his life became a blog that became a book and then a TV show, the complicated nature of television writing, and why ultimately you always have to carve out a space for yourself and your work.
5 years ago+13 13 0How to reinvent yourself
A guide to making positive and lasting changes in your life, written by Tina Essmaker with illustrations by Qiong Li.
5 years ago+15 15 0How to make your home and workspace fuel your creativity
A guide to changing where you live and work in order to nourish your creative lifestyle, written by Stephanie Diamond with illustrations by Carlos Sanchez.
5 years ago+10 10 0On success, failure, and working within constraints
Writer Helen Phillips on honestly portraying motherhood, making writing a habit, and adapting your practice to fit your circumstances.