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  • Text Post
    9 years ago
    +1 1 0


    Hi all, I'm new to Snapzu, along with so many others, and thought I'd see if there was a Scottish tribe yet. I found it, and the Chief's name is cunt. Most Scottish place on the internet.

    I'm in Aberdeen, where after a week of far too hot, sunny days, the first day of the school holidays brought torrential rain and all-encompassing haar.

  • Text Post
    9 years ago
    +111 113 2

    Reddit refugees: let's be mindful of the culture here so we don't change everything with the influx (or at least, change responsibly). Snapzu original users: what should we know?

    It seems like Snapzu has created a great wee community here, and it would really suck for us all to sweep in and change the nature of it before getting to know it. I think we should hang back for a little bit and observe in tribes or threads which have the possibility for contention, and comment on existing, more neutral ones. Just til we get the lay of the land. Reddit culture could be pretty toxic in some ways, and I'd hate to see us unconsciously infect Snapzu with that kind of interaction.

    So, original Snapzu users, what do you love about the community here, what should we be careful if, what are the unwritten rules of etiquette here? Help us not just recreate Reddit in your home.

  • Text Post
    9 years ago
    +14 14 0

    Snapzu community and women

    I'm a shiny new member, and the joining requirement of choosing a gendered avatar made me wonder what the community is like here overall for women.

    On Reddit, I was not comfortable with people knowing I was a woman because of the nature of the interactions, but I took a leap of faith and chose the female avatar in the hope that it's different here. I still think that a neutral avatar should be available, but tell me, does the female avatar change the way you're treated here on Snapzu? :)