• WayneT

    Technically my second comment on snapzu but I'm from reddit. More than 5 years on that site. I just want to say. I'm not going back. I did like Victoria a lot but my reasoning is simple. It doesn't work anymore. The subs got to expansive and it spiraled out of control. I just feel like the thousands of hours spent were fun and I'm moving on. I'm not a free mod anymore. I'll be one again either here or somewhere else but I didn't feel appreciated. I was a free tool to make them more money. They learned nothing from the AMA with Woody (whom I like). Trying to make as much money as possible is something businesses try to do. However when your site can be profitable and is well received you should not make a huge grab for money. It's why MySpace died and why Facebook is struggling. I could of gone on but I won't bore you. I'm just glad I'm here.

    • Gozzin

      Your not boring us. Would you do an AMA here?

    • redalastor (edited 8 years ago)

      It's not just Victoria. Almost all the admins I thought were awesome are gone.

      Most of the new ones, I have no idea who they are.

      You can check the list of present and past admins here: https://www.reddit.com/about/team

      • Jasprosesprite2

        I love the "Just don't screw it up. " message under Ellen Pao (ekjp).

        • WayneT

          Lol. This is why I'm here. It's too late for me. They say they will change but I highly doubt it. I think the only thing they've learned what they needed to. This site is way better too. Once it's user base goes up reddit will seem pointless.