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Published 11 years ago by Splitfish with 6 Comments

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  • notarealhero (edited 11 years ago)

    Very interesting ideas, although i can't really confirm the one about my country (Germany). Never heard somebody actually eating that to cure a hangover.
    The "Konterbier" (counter beer) is very common tho!
    Also, when i was at a Mexican party in Tijuana once, they told me that a very good hangover cure would be a drink that consists of beer, salsa and spices, but i didn't try that.

    • Splitfish

      I'm pretty sure the "counter beer" is a universal cure!

  • aj0690

    Ughh maybe I should try one of these.

  • Onmyfaceplz

    Living in Japan myself.. I think umeboshi is also used to fight colds and flus. Tastes nasty to me though. The Vietnam one is unreal!!

  • ChelsG

    Fuck alcohol. So done with drinking till the point of a next day hangover. My hangover cure is abstinence or a big gulp of man the fuck up and deal with it. I call it karma for being a drunk idiot. I'm speaking personally of course.

    • Skaggs

      ...yeah I guess the best hangover cure is not getting drunk. The best contraception is not having sex. The best way to avoid a car accident is to jog everywhere you go. Those arguments aren't particularly helpful.

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