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Published 8 years ago by Splitfish with 2 Comments
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  • Muffintop

    This is a very interesting read and fascinating science. However, as it often happens, the reporting of this science is slightly misleading. First things first - this shows promising research in mice, however, quite frequently the research advances in mice do not work well in humans. They did some research using human cells but not quite enough to claim that we can get to human trials within 10 years, I'd say it will take more than 20 instead. Furthermore, there is a risk of tumours when these factors are used and while they acknowledge that and report that they did not observe any tumours in these mice, this will be a major safety issue before we can try something like this out in humans. Once again, this practically ensures that other major scientific breakthroughs are needed before such therapies can be tried out in humans. Great science, wish the reporting could explain things a bit better and avoid the temptation of clickbaity titles and claims.

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