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Published 10 years ago by Splitfish with 2 Comments

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  • idlethreat (edited 10 years ago)

    General Douglas MacArthur wrote once:

    There is no security in this life. There is only opportunity.

    If you wish to be unmonitored by the government or other agencies, work to "decrease the opportunity" at all times. Pay cash. No cell phone (or use a burn phone paid for with cash), never use any online services which require personal information (I'm looking at you, facebook), unplug your xbox from the network, lessen your exposure to those agencies wherever you see fit to do so. Do it once, do it every time.

    Overall, monitoring is relatively benign and typically useless. Even with the Utah Datacenter up and humming on all cylinders, it's practically impossible to track everything occurring everywhere. Case in point, the Boston Marathon bombing occurred, even with the extensive 'monitoring network' in place today.

    • moneyman

      I've started doing it. Sadly, I might eventually stop any online activity at all. But then I couldn't comment here or on other places I enjoy.

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