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Published 10 years ago by Splitfish with 10 Comments

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  • aj0690

    No surprise here. It's the perfect tracking device, and almost everyone has one. This shit needs to stop though.

    • Gozzin

      Damn right it does,but I'm not holding my breath.

  • wildcat

    how is this not spying and against the constitution?

    • zobo

      Just like government "lobbying" isn't bribery. This isn't spying, it's called "Terrorism protection for your own good". Now shut up citizen.

      • hxxp

        Too bad lobbying is here to stay. Since the people that would have to make it illegal are the ones that are in power accepting the bribes.

  • Bender394

    If anyone has an hour to spare, I would highly recommend viewing this presentation about the NSA backdoor strategies. It is truly astounding the extents that they are going to spy on completely innocent people. They have access to usernames and passwords, your webcam and mic, your emails, your phone calls, and they can even intercept your mail to place spying devices inside of your new computers.

  • darvinhg

    WTF they can turn on your mic at any time? You gotta be kidding me

  • ckshenn

    Wow nothing really new here, just a step up to another level. Pre 9/11 there would have been million man protests, Kiev style.

    • belangermira

      Annnnnd I bet nothing happens or changes.. and we forget about it by Wednesday because American Idol will be on.

  • 8mm

    The NSA are the true traitors.

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