10 years ago
Lenovo Caught Installing Adware On New Computers
It looks like Lenovo has been installing adware onto new consumer computers from the company that activates when taken out of the box for the first time. The adware, named Superfish, is reportedly installed on a number of Lenovo’s consumer laptops out of the box. The software injects third-party ads on Google searches and websites without the user’s permission.
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Microsoft should revoke their OEM status.
Never owned a Lenovo but I've been looking at their laptop/tablet hybrids since they have a nice selection. I guess those are out of the question.
Scratched off my list as well
Oh great...Why do they think it's ok to do this?
And us Linux folks are missing out on all the Superfish fun! That's just not fair!
More like superPHISH.
Given Lenovo is a Chinese company, I'd be really surprised if starfish is the only malware on the computer.
WTF was Lenovo thinking? People pay bills online you know.