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Published 9 years ago by Splitfish with 7 Comments

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  • cunt

    I have it on good authority from a person working at the BEA that it is part of MH370

  • Clockwork

    I remember when the plane first went missing, and the amount of international coverage it got HUGE. I really hope that they find and confirm that those are the parts so that the families have closure

    • Xeno

      Just imagining having a family member or friend on that plane. I don't think I could stop reading about the disappearance, I'd be obsessed. I feel so bad for those people.

    • fred

      There was an article that made a good point. Assuming these parts are from the wreckage, it still makes the search area incomprehensibly large and may not help too much in the finding of the main portions of the aircraft. Which makes me sad.

  • fred

    Would they be able to trace back to the possible crash site based on times and known currents?

    • NinjaKlaus

      I imagine they would at least try this, I can't imagine that some computer somewhere can't aid them in this idea. I did read in an article yesterday that Reunion wasn't in their drift models, so they must be working on drift patterns.

      • fred (edited 9 years ago)

        yeah it would make some sense if the plane went down the north corridor as there is a "warm" current that runs that direction . I believe warm currents are generally closer to the surface as well. But on the south corridor, where they figured it went based on the skew from the planes pings, it seems it would have drifted south "under" Australia


        However given time time I guess it could have drifter up the west coast of Australia and then across the indian ocean toward the islands that way.

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