• TacoEnema

    The article states that his review board wasn't given access to the details of his crimes, so I'd cut them a little slack there.

    The board also required that he attend therapy sessions and parenting classes, and said that relapse was low and mostly likely to happen with girls, rather than boys. The child that the man is adopting is his stepson, not just some random child that he has no real relation to.

    I'm not trying to be an apologist or anything like that, but things get a little muddy when you look at the details.

    • absolutelytrue

      You're right. Since it is his stepson, he already has access to the child anyway, so it's a little less creepy than my initial thought of a child molester being able to dial up an orphanage and get his pick. While I think child molesters should have no access to any children (or oxygen, for that matter) ever, in this case it seems like adoption isn't going to change anything.