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Published 11 years ago by Splitfish with 20 Comments
  • Called the "Prime Air," the new delivery system will use unmanned aerial vehicles or mini drones to send customers' purchases to their houses. With the system, it would only take 30 minutes or less for orders to arrive at the buyers' doorsteps.

    Also included below is the Amazon Prime Air promo video from Amazon. It's much shorter than the CBS video.


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  • sSethia

    When I saw this I was wondering what would happen if I ordered something and then just waited outside and grabbed the drone...

    • Splitfish

      Once that starts happening, the next logical thing to do would be to arm them :)

      • grandsalami

        It can also be doubled as a military drone keeping the people in check... right? Man the future seems scary.

        • Amabaie

          Imagine is organized crime starts using them!

          • drunkenninja (edited 11 years ago)

            I wouldn't be surprised if this happened.. However the future is strange and untold, who knows what will happen.

  • TNY

    I have a feeling people are going to try to shoot these down to see what they drop.

    • bkool

      This actually sounds fun.

      • TNY

        I'd be a nice little surprise every time. Hopefully you can get jewelr or a watch or something expensive

  • KondoR

    These have lawsuit written all over them. So much can go wrong it's mind boggling.

    • rhingo

      Those propellers can certainly do some damage to animals or property.

      • RMT

        Absolutely. Someone would most definitely reach up for the drone before it lands, cutting their hand on the propeller.

        • aj0690

          It was mentioned somewhere (I don't remember where), that the propellers are actually very safe and will barely cause a cut or bruise.

  • timex

    I think bezos has mistaken dec 1 for apr 1

  • ckshenn

    Publicity stunt just before cyber Monday maybe?

    • mancub

      Yup. Blatant viral marketing.

  • dave

    I had to check my calendar to make sure it wasn't April 1st.

    This is such a bad idea, I can't even think where to begin commenting. For starters, how can these share the skies with regular air traffic?

    • drunkenninja

      I think they would be flying pretty low.. but still, there is literally a dozen things I can see that will make this a pipe dream. Safety concerns, range, maintenance costs, theft, insurance nightmares, airspace restrictions, noise complains, spying concerns.. the list goes on

  • drunkenninja

    "You have the technology that can help the most difficult part of delivery: The last-mile problem. You have a lightweight package going to a single destination. You cannot aggregate packages. It’s still way too complicated and expensive. It’s very energy inefficient," Raptopoulous sad.

    This would be my main concern, taken from the related link A drone Delivery Exp...About Amazon's Plans

  • ChelsG

    So many flaws with this idea.

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