• alapseofsanity

    Nah, I don't think most people disagree with you at all. We're in a weird time of a lot of racial tension. I think the black community has a right to be angry. I don't think it's so much disagreement as it is some of that anger turning into extremism, and shutting down any form of discussion that might hold dissenting opinions.

    I don't think most people are like extremist, but I have a friend of mine I've known for many years who is black. He's taken on some pretty extreme viewpoints in the wake of a lot of the news stories in the past couple of years. And this guy isn't some tumblr-type SJW. He's a really articulate, intelligent, well-spoken guy that I hold a lot of respect for. But he gets these extreme viewpoints and inserts race into so many discussions that it becomes increasingly uncomfortable to talk to him. I'm not shy around discussing racial issues, but I just don't like going into a conversation having to put up a shield because I might be accused of being racist and/or ignorant. And if anything, it only serves to drive a wedge between him and the people who care about him. This happens a lot on the internet where people without a strong voice in the real world can make themselves heard.

    The only thing I sometimes question is whether or not the news is trying to sensationalize things. A lot of stories will have a lot more details and subtlety that major news outlets will ignore in order to support their narrative. I didn't get a chance to read this whole article yet, but that's probably not true in this case considering mass murder is usually pretty cut and dry. But I do like to make myself informed, and sometimes that means reading a lot of conflicting information that makes situations seem a lot less black and white. Sometimes people aren't as comfortable when things aren't so black and white, and so it makes discussion difficult.