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    8 years ago
    +20 20 0

    Greetings from Franceland!

    Hey! I'm a recent defect from Reddit and thought I'd come introduce myself. My name is Vivi, and here's some interesting facts about me:

    I'm American, but I've lived in the Champagne region of France for 11 years. My husband is French and my six year old son is bilingual. Well, so am I for that matter. Husband is, too. We're all bilingual up in here!

    I'm an embroidery artist. I create original art and kits and sell them online. I hope that one day I'll have a studio where I can give lessons. I also knit, crochet, and have dabbled in tons of other disciplines. I love working with my hands.

    I'm a medieval nerd. My family just joined a medieval reenactment company and we recently camped out with them for the first time. It was a blast and we can't wait to do it again in a few weeks! I've been creating some medieval themed embroidery pieces and my husband is learning chainmail.

    I'm sure there's other stuff but those are the main points. I'm looking forward to finding my place in snapzu!

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