• worthlessgalaxy

    While the article isn't great, it does start a discussion which I think was the goal.

    • SevenTales

      Exactly. It started a good debate in here, and I'm glad.

      • worthlessgalaxy

        Me too. Even as a guy I have really gotten tired of the crazy costumes. It doesn't serve a purpose for me at this point. I like that people are pushing back, but I hope they remember that even though these are unrealistic, they do have a place in games and movies.

        • SevenTales

          There's no problem with fantasy, but there's a problem with normalizing models in fantasy, and this is one way to (badly, but still) highlight the problem.

          • worthlessgalaxy

            Yep and that's where it goes too far (which is the area that it is firmly in and will probably never really leave).