Add bluetooth to your headphones
I've owned a pair of Urbanears Zinkens for a couple years now, and they've really grown on me. They sound alright, look great, and fit snug. I haven't had any reason to replace it, until Urbanears released a new product: the Plattan ADV Wireless, their first bluetooth headphone series. It filled me with want. However, I couldn't justify spending another $100 on new headphones, so I decided to make my own solution.
It's definitely true that you don't really need to do much to get bluetooth audio on any pair of headphones or earphones. Many bluetooth receivers exist that serve to fill this niche. However, most of those receivers require you to plug in your headphones using the audio cable already attached to them, which means you'll have to either suffer the length of cable dangling around uselessly - negating the benefit of bluetooth in the first place - or find a way to hide them, which is not very aesthetically pleasing.
This mod allows you to gain the benefit of bluetooth without the hassle of wires. Admittedly, it's not a very original hack, but my take on it forgoes the use of cables entirely - except for a very short length that's used to bridge the tip and ring terminals in the TRS audio plugs. It will work on any pair of headphones with removable audio cables, and any battery-powered bluetooth receiver with audio-out. You can be very flexible with the hardware here.
Note: I am aware that there is an existing product which offers the same benefit as what this mod aims to accomplish. The BTunes looks like a very neat little device, however at $79.99 (pre-selling price, it will be $99.99 once production is complete) it's quite an expensive solution. Also, you don't get the bragging rights of having DIY'd your own little adapter.
My daily driver. You can tell I love it by just how abused it looks. Note the 6.35mm (1/4") audio jack.
Snagged a used Jabra Play bluetooth receiver, and made a simple 6.35mm-to-3.5mm right-angle double male audio adapter. Still waiting for my Sugru to arrive so I can cover up the hot-glue on the adapter.
How it looks all put together.
How it looks on my happy head.
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I have a Jabra Play. It's nice, but 6 hours runtime isn't that great. You can't run and recharge at the same time, either. Sucks that my KRK KNS 6400's have a proprietary connector on one end, so I end up having to use their long cable with the Jabra.
If still want to do this with your Jabra Play and you're willing to do (and spend) a little extra, you could buy their replacement cable for $10. Actually, it might even be easier that way, as all you'll really be doing is shortening the cable by cutting out the middle chunk, splicing the wires of the two ends back together, and reinforcing the connection with hot glue/epoxy putty/sugru. Possibly no soldering necessary.
Edit: The nice thing about it in your case is you already have a Jabra Play.