7 years ago
Google quantum computer test shows breakthrough is within reach
The idea that quantum computers can do things that regular ones cannot isn’t proven. But Google thinks it knows a problem only a quantum computer can solve
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Microsoft's New Coding Language is Made for Quantum Computers
Microsoft wants to be ready for quantum computers and by integrating traditional languages like C# and Python, Microsoft will make it easier to do mainstream computing on the complex machines.
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This is a kind of mild test. I'd like to see someone breaking RSA encryption using Shor's algorithm. That will be a breakthrough (and hopefully the ones who achieve it will be the good guys).
Yeah. Google's been working on this for a while, so hopefully it won't be terribly long before we see them do that. ;)
It would go something like this... "In the interest of national security, we're here to take possession of this technology."
There are forms of cryptography that not even QCs can break.