Post Overview
11 years ago+11 11 015 Chinese Artifacts That Will Change How You Look at China
Historical artifacts unearthed in China such as golf clubs, fashion accessories, toilet seats, toothbrushes, double-ended lesbian dildos and Google's Android?
11 years ago+21 21 0AB 1500 threatens to shut me down, just one problem. USPS, FedEx and UPS offer age restricted delivery.
Why shut down online sales when FedEx, UPS and the postal service all offer adult verification with signature?
11 years ago+14 14 0NSFW Paul Ribera: Cartoons on Drugs
Some of your favorite childhood memories as drug addicts.
11 years ago+13 13 0Great words to live by
11 years ago+13 13 0How to Read A Book A Week
Yep, I finally did it. I read over a book a week all of the past year. More than that -- I never fell behind or stopped. I was always ahead of schedule for the entire year. So now, this coming year, guess what? I'd like you to do the same. Here& ...
11 years ago+15 15 0Kickstarter Fail: Artist Raises $51K to Publish Books, Burns Them in Alley
Wicker Park artist John Campbell said he ran out of money to ship books to donors, so he torched them.
11 years ago+10 10 0Book Review: The Personal MBA A Must-Read For Non-Business People
If you’re a non-business person, then at some point in your career you’ve realized the value of having some sort of business training or background. Josh Kaufman, the author of The Personal MBA: Master the Art of Business, agrees.
Current Event
11 years ago+22 22 0Crimea votes to join Russia, accelerating Ukraine crisis
Crimea's parliament voted to join Russia on Thursday and its Moscow-backed government set a referendum within 10 days on the decision in a dramatic escalation of the crisis over the Ukrainian Black Sea peninsula.
11 years ago+18 18 0How Valve and Cryptozoic came together for a Portal board game (update)
The Portal board game that Cryptozoic Entertainment announced last week didn't originate from within the company, a boutique publisher of tabletop games. The idea actually came from Valve.
Current Event
11 years ago+21 21 0Ban on strong e-cigarettes ‘will cost lives’ | The Times
The impending ban on stronger electronic cigarettes could lead to 105,000 deaths a year, according to an economics consultancy
11 years ago+16 16 0Call for Rally Washington State
95% Proposed tax For E-Cig related items. Rally to stop
11 years ago+16 16 0Aldous Huxley v George Orwell: Which British writer is the most influential?
Two writers enter, one writer leaves! Well, not literally – especially in this case, given our aversion to exhumation and necromancy. We’re less interested in post-mortem fisticuffs and more concerned with some high falutin’ comparing and contrasting ...
11 years ago+12 12 0Why e Cigarettes Must Be Declared Tobacco Products
Are e cigarettes on the path to being banned, or celebrated? What does the MSA have to do with all this? Everything. Money talks. Money is all.
11 years ago+18 18 0Confidence in 2 minutes
Ted talk on how to be more confident in 2 minutes by Amy Cuddy.
Current Event
11 years ago+10 10 0CASAA: Call to Action! Rhode Island Bills Impose 80% Tax on E-Cigarettes and Unreasonable Requirements for Online Sales
For those in Rhode Island. Let your voice be heard.
11 years ago+14 14 0Democrats double down on losing hand regarding vaping/ecigs
Senate Democrats yesterday put forward a piece of legislation regarding vaping (aka ecigarettes), which is a continuation of their ill-advised ongoing campaign against vaping across the nation. This ...
Text Post
11 years ago+5 5 0/r/ecig All things vaper
Building a community for vaporers. Working with some B&M's in my area for contests to give away juice, and equipment. Jump in and post.
11 years ago+12 12 0Spike Lee’s Comments On NYC Gentrification Spark Debate In Fort Greene - CBS New York
During a lecture at Pratt Institute Tuesday, the director and Brooklyn native said that white newcomers to neighborhoods like Fort Greene and Bedford-Stuyvesant are doing the wrong things.
11 years ago+22 22 0How should policy makers react to the e-cigarette boom?
California was the state that, in 1998, pioneered a public smoking ban that caught on not only in other states across the US, but also around the world. Today, Californian policy makers have weighed in on what is rapidly becoming the next great contr ...
11 years ago+23 23 0EU ban will benefit big tobacco.
A ban of E-cigs will benefit no one but the big corporations.