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9 years ago+3 5 2Rookie Pilot Flips Over While Trying To Land His Helicopter In Fiji
Miraculously everyone escaped injury.
9 years ago0 2 2Bulldozer Falls Through Ice
Pro Tip: Don't drive a bulldozer onto thin ice.
9 years ago-1 1 2Possibly The Dumbest Human Being On The Planet
She was trying to stay warm while she pumped gas, and almost won herself a Darwin Award.
9 years ago+1 3 2Instant Karma For a Female Driver After Giving The Finger
That's what you get for throwing the finger.
9 years ago+1 3 2White Nerd Surprises Black Kid In Cafeteria Dance Off
The nerd surprised everyone!
9 years ago0 2 2Tree Cutting Epic Fail Destroys House
He can use the wood from the tree to build himself a new house.
9 years ago0 2 2Construction Worker Tears Door Off of Popular YouTuber's Car
A construction worker loses his mind and rips off the door.
9 years ago0 2 2Angry Woman Throws Dog Poop at Cops and Gets Leveled
Pro Tip: Don't throw your dog's poop at the cops.
9 years ago0 2 2Muzzle Loader Gun Ignites Black Powder At Shooting Range
A muzzle loader shot ignites black powder at the shooting range.
9 years ago0 2 2Guy Lays The Bomb of All Bombs In Rap Battle
He quickly leaves when the crowd starts getting angry.
9 years ago+1 3 2Russians Cross a River Using Two Excavators
This kind of thing only happens in
9 years ago-1 1 2I Caught a Spanish Woman Stealing Stuff Out of My Car
A woman gets caught red handed stealing stuff out of my car.
9 years ago-1 1 2Guy Connects a Bunch of Drones Together To Make a Homemade Helicopter
Who else wants one of these?
9 years ago+8 10 2Driving Through The Middle of a Forest Fire
A surreal drive through a forest fire.
9 years ago0 2 2Bird Bounces Off Plane As It's Landing
Cue the cartoon sounds.