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Published 9 years ago by Qukatt with 8 Comments

Frozen inspired blanket - Work in Progress

Consisting of a total 999, 2-round, 5cm granny squares I've been slowly putting this single bed sized blanket (pictured on our super king bed) for a few months now.

  • I have been working on this for far too long now I have been working on this for far too long now

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  • wrmnthewoodwork

    Keep going! You're so close! I know the frustration - it took me two years to finish my queen size granny square blanket. But this looks fantastic - the pattern and it's colors just works well.

    Is this for someone special, a commission, or yourself?

    • Qukatt

      this is for fundraising :D going to raffle it off and hopefully have enough profits (after 17 balls of yarn) to pay for some cool shit for the kid's ward in the local hospital :)

      and some little girl is going to be super cosy this winter

      • wrmnthewoodwork

        Aw, very nice!

        • Qukatt

          as of right now I've got 52 squares left in the top left corner. I daren't include the right hand side in the countdown just now xD

  • dart123

    I give you a lot of credit for doing these types of projects. They take a lot of work, but you're almost done and it's for a good cause. Keep it up and enjoy the journey :)

    • Qukatt

      Thank you :)

      they do and since I've been doing this one my son has asked for one of the Flash. So it looks like I'll be going again once i'm done some of my to do list.

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