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Published 9 years ago by PrismDragon with 1 Comments

PAYDAY 2: The FBI Files & New Enemy Trailer

The Commissioner is here. Introducing the FBI Files feature and the new GenSec Enemy. Available September 24th.


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  • SuperCyan (edited 9 years ago)

    The Payday devs have been doing a pretty good job keeping the game going. It's been two years, and they don't seem to be stopping support anytime soon. I know a lot of people get on them about releasing so much DLC, but a lot of it's free, and there's usually a couple things that people that don't pay still get to enjoy - including the missions, if they can find someone else hosting. The little story line they have going for the game is pretty cool, too. It's a bit more in depth than most massively mulitplayer games.

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