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Published 9 years ago by PrismDragon with 0 Comments
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    Aw poor baby Serene couldn't make crystals... Skyla's been teaching her how to make them out of love (and yes that is my headcanon crystals are made from love and harmony) but it's too difficult for her since a part of King Sombra's horn is now in Serene's head. Permanently.

    Also, I loved the latest episode and it was funny but it's making me concerned. I have a feeling that they're still going to have a baby by the next season and I am panicking because I don't know what to do when he/she is born~~~~~ HASBRO WHY U DESTROY MANY HEADCANONS

    I need some suggestions but I don't want to hear "the new baby will become the eldest instead of Skyla" or "Cadance got a miscarriage" or anything like that.


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