• sarcasimo

    I love(d) my G Watch, but I picked up a Pebble Time to replace it. Being able to see my watch clearly in the sunlight is nice.

    • Dernhelm

      Agreed about the time. I picked one up as well and found it to have great functionality and more of a companion than the original pebble. It Is a toy for sure but one that I find to have great usage for me.

      • sarcasimo

        Did you get the steel time or regular time?

        • xezebien

          Steel Time isn't out yet, starts shipping to kickstarter backers some time this month.

          • sarcasimo

            Oh yeah. I forgot they shipped after the normal PTs. I originally backed a steel, but was able to snag an early bird spot for a normal PT, and decided to put the savings towards whatever smart bands come out for it.

        • Dernhelm

          Yes I got the pebble time kick-starter.

    • Cheski

      I had the original Pebble, got tired of their firmware tomfoolery, and have since been using Android Wear. The Pebble Time is enticing though, I do have to admit. I miss that battery life.

      • sarcasimo

        There are definitely things I miss about having an Android Wear watch, namely the deeper integration with my phone/Google services, but the battery life and generally easier to read screen help make up for that.

    • Castive

      How do you like the pebble? i have a blackberry so i cant get any of the android watches, but the lack of a touchscreen seems a bit to much to sacrifice.

      • sarcasimo

        I love my Pebble Time. Before my G watch I had an original Pebble. For me the lack of touchscreen isn't an issue, since I live in a nice cold climate where gloves are worn often, so the physical buttons are nice.

        Oh yeah, the 5+ day battery life is quite nice as well. I'm also interested in seeing what smart straps are thought up for the PT.

      • Hawkins

        I love my original Pebble. I love that any idiot with a passing understanding of programming can create watchfaces, or even crude applications.

        And the battery lasts almost a week. So you're not hosed if you go away for a weekend, and forget to bring your watch-charging cable (a sentence that feels stupid as I type it).

      • blackmetal123 (edited 9 years ago)

        I don't own a Pebble Time, but an original Pebble. In the beginning I had the same concerns, but in practice the hardware buttons work just fine (for me) and I don't feel like I'm missing anything. For some tasks they are more convenient also, like skipping music tracks using Music Boss for example. The key here is that the buttons can be operated without looking at the screen.