Post Overview
Current Event
9 years ago+27 27 0No Asteroid Is Threatening to Hit Earth Next Month, NASA Says
For the last few months, rumors have circulated that a big asteroid will slam into Earth near Puerto Rico between Sept. 15 and Sept. 28, wreaking widespread destruction. Don't believe the hype.
Current Event
9 years ago+17 17 0Iran's supreme leader is not happy about this McDonald's knockoff in Tehran
The supreme leader of Iran went off about American influence in his country, saying that even with a newly struck nuclear deal, they will "block all attempts of penetration of Iran." Much of the concern seems to revolve around American cult ...
Current Event
9 years ago+2 3 1Drug Trafficking Pigeon Busted in Costa Rica
Guards at La Reforma prison in Costa Rica saw something that did not look quite right: A pigeon alighting in the jail's courtyard with a stuffed plastic bag attached to its body. It turns out, reports The Telegraph, the bird with the baggie was ...
9 years ago+25 25 0Ebola vaccine is 'potential game-changer'
A vaccine against the deadly Ebola virus has led to 100% protection and could transform the way Ebola is tackled, preliminary results suggest. There were no proven drugs or vaccines against the virus at the start of the largest outbreak of Ebola in h ...
Current Event
9 years ago+54 54 0 x 1Steam Hit by Major Security Breach, Many Accounts Hacked
Valve’s Steam is the biggest platform in the PC gaming market, with Valve themselves being one of the most prominent companies in the gaming industry as a whole. Steam has millions of accounts all over the world, and in some cases people have investe ...
9 years ago+22 22 0In Iraq, I raided insurgents. In Virginia, the police raided me.
I got home from the bar and fell into bed soon after Saturday night bled into Sunday morning. I didn’t wake up until three police officers barged into my apartment, barking their presence at my door. They sped down the hallway to my bedroom, their se ...
Current Event
9 years ago+15 15 0B.C. man in Guy Fawkes mask killed by RCMP identified, Anonymous ‘hacktivist’ group vows revenge
A man shot and killed by police in northern British Columbia has been identified. The corners’ service has issued a news release identifying the man as James Daniel McIntyre, a 48-year-old resident of Dawson Creek, B.C. The release says McIntyre was ...
Current Event
9 years ago+17 17 0China victim told to pay mugger B322,000
A Chinese court ordered a mugger's intended victim to pay his attacker 70,000 yuan (US$11,000) after he fought off the attempted robbery and beat him up, state-run media reported Wednesday.
9 years ago+60 60 0 x 1The Mystery Behind the Biggest Bitcoin Transaction Ever Made
On Tuesday, the biggest Bitcoin transaction ever made was loaded on to the blockchain, the publicly viewable ledger that records every instance of the cryptocurrency changing hands. It was 999 kilobytes in size, taking up an entire packet of transact ...
9 years ago+10 10 0Rates of thyroid cancer tripled since 1975 - public water utilities continue to poison us with water fluoridation
As scientists struggle to explain why thyroid cancer rates have more than tripled in the U.S. since the mid-1970s, nobody's addressing the elephant in the room that is artificial water fluoridation and the confirmed toxicity of fluoride chemical ...
9 years ago+15 15 0High-Voltage Handcuffs Mean Cops Can Shock Prisoners From Across the Room
What gives an electric jolt as strong as a typical Tase but is designed for prisoners already in police custody rather than suspects not yet arrested? Wireless “Stun-Cuffs” from Myers Enterprises.
Current Event
9 years ago+8 8 0Japan finally lifts its 67-year-old ban on dancing
Japan has lifted a 67-year-old ban on dancing, to the delight of the nation's clubbers. The ban forbids public dancing unless the venue has a license, and even licensed premises have to stop all dancing by midnight. The Footloose-esque law was p ...
9 years ago+21 21 0 x 1Will radical life extension be the abortion politics of 2050?
When it comes to ending life, the politics are pretty black and white — arguments about abortion and euthanasia are generally divided along ideological lines. What conservatives see as God's work, the secular left views as a matter of personal c ...
Current Event
9 years ago+17 17 0"Campus carry": Texas is big step closer to bestowing right to carry concealed handguns on college campuses
Texas took a giant step closer to allowing concealed handguns in college classrooms late Tuesday, with House lawmakers giving their preliminary approval to a so-called "campus carry" measure, barely beating a midnight deadline. The legislat ...
Current Event
9 years ago+7 7 0Senior prank lands two behind bars
South Iredell High School was evacuated Tuesday morning after police say a senior prank prompted a bomb search. Dan Farrell's daughter Shannon Farrell is one of two students arrested. He said, "I was called by my younger daughter saying my ...
Current Event
9 years ago+18 18 0ISIS forces girl to undergo virginity surgeries 20 times
A United Nations official has revealed that ISIS militants forced a sex slave to undergo surgery to restore her virginity every time she was married to 20 fighters. Zainab Bangura, Special Representative of the Secretary-General on Sexual Violence in ...
9 years ago+17 17 0Food Poisoning & Dead Batteries: Expiration Dates for Everything Explained!
Expiration dates are weird and potentially dangerous! What's the difference between Best By, Use By, and Sell By?! Will that old battery explode, or those leftovers give you food poisoning?! Find out in this video, as we explore the bizarre and ...
Current Event
9 years ago+20 20 0Australian Police Arrest Teen, Disrupt Bomb Plot
Police arrested a 17-year-old and accused him of plotting to detonate three homemade bombs in the Australian city of Melbourne, officials said on Saturday, in the latest terrorism scare involving a teenager. The teen was arrested on Friday afternoon ...
9 years ago+17 17 0FBI slammed on Capitol Hill for 'stupid' ideas about encryption
A new crypto war is underway. At a hearing in Washington, D.C., on Wednesday, the FBI endured outright hostility as both technical experts and members of Congress from both parties roundly criticized the law enforcement agency's desire to place ...
9 years ago+11 11 0Farm bill: Why don’t taxpayers subsidize the foods that are better for us?
Read the farm bill, and a big problem jumps right out at you: Taxpayers heavily subsidize corn and soy, two crops that facilitate the meat and processed food we’re supposed to eat less of, and do almost nothing for the fruits and vegetables we’re sup ...