10 years ago
Ferguson fallout: Obama opens door to ‘re-examining’ military gear program for local police
President Obama opened the door Monday to re-evaluating a massive Defense Department program that sends military equipment to local police forces, in the wake of concerns about the St. Louis County Police Department's response to riots and protests in Ferguson, Missouri.
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Its incredibly easy for unstable and violent people to become cops these days, giving them military grade weapons is a huge mistake. Not only did this incident show us how racially biased the police are, but also how badly they react to the outrage. Here is to hoping that somehow this horrible incident sparks long lasting change in the way America is governed... This bullshit needs to stop.
How badly did the police react to "the outrage"? Allowing the citizens to protest till it turned into looting and assault? Your's and other's , misbegotten attitudes are the actual "bullshit".
You're right... right after they murdered that kid, the should have just rolled in with tanks and humvees to show those assholes what law enforcement really is.
Yep, your uncanny insight into the situation is garish.