• GoldFinch

    i have a chromebook which is web-based so the majority of my files are in the cloud but, if they make one for Android in the future i would be very interested. when i've used windows computers it has occurred to me how hard the file explorer is to use. this would be very useful!

    • Photos

      Which Chromebook are you using? I want to get a laptop, but wasn't sure if i would be limiting myself if I went with a Chromebook.

      • GoldFinch

        i have the Acer C720 and LOVE it.

        • defttt

          If I'm not mistaken, you can run linux on some chromebooks, if you're into that kind of thing.

          • GoldFinch

            Yeah. I've considered doing that

    • Gozzin

      I have thought on this one and wonder what do you think of using the cloud as opposed to your hard drive for storage? Do you find it better,even though you have to pay fees to do so? I'm your basic Ubuntu Linux user,but am curious about what you like or don't like about your chromebook.