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Published 9 years ago by OhMyDang with 7 Comments
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  • andrewpr

    I always love the theory of tidy cabling, but I am always moving stuff around, so untidy cables are a lot easier to work around for me.

    • LightUnseen

      If you get some velcro cable ties you can make your setup neat and clean while still being accessible. I have a bunch of these in black and grey and they work really well.

      • the7egend

        I think I just have too much stuff, no matter how many straps I use or how many times I do it, it's always a mess somehow. But I've got 3 consoles, 3 monitors, a computer and tons of external HDDs.

      • Nerdeiro

        But he'd still have to untie and re-tie the bundles of cables everytime he needs to move them. in /andrewpr case the best approach would be cable trays. It keeps the cables of the ground, but not as hard to move the cables as velcro.

  • Tandrios

    Heh, point 10: "Go Wireless".

    Hadn't thought of that one!

  • SirZalka (edited 9 years ago)

    I pride myself on my cable management inside my rig, but the cables around my desk are a hot mess. Like @andrewpr, I just move stuff around too much to tie it down.

    Edit: How do I link users? @andrewpr? /u/andrewpr? /andrewpr?

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