Post Overview
9 years ago+7 7 0My BattleChip collection from back when I used to import a lot.
I absolutely loved the EXE series and took advantage of importing when 4.5 came out. I got the Chip Gate and then bought my first PET shortly after.
Text Post
9 years ago+2 2 0Favorite memory from Mega Man Legends (either 1, 2, or Tron Bonne)?
So many good memories from these games but the one that always comes to mind first is going the crazy amount of trivia questions in Legends 2 to get the Z-Saber. Man, it felt so good to finally be done with those questions.
I had printed all of the questions and answers which took up a bunch of ink and about 40-something pages. Not only that, the guide with all them separated the questions from the answers. You had to look up the question and find the number it had then go to the answers section and look up that number. Tedious but so worth it at the end.
Text Post
9 years ago+2 2 0What is your favorite monthly event and why?
I think I'd have to go with Midtown Madness. It's chaotic with so many people trying to take advantage of the event. So much happening and so many rewards. I'm also partial to the Omega event.
Current Event
9 years ago+2 2 0EXCLUSIVE: Marvel Heroes 2015's Newest Loot: $25,000 of Real Money
Gazillion Entertainment is redefining the term