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11 years ago+9 9 0Coens Say There’s “A Good Chance” That ‘Hail Caesar’ With George Clooney Will Be Next
The Coens look to be making progress on a comedy "about the movie business and life and religion and faith". The film is set to be the final part in what they call their "Numbskull Trilogy", following "O Brother Where Art Tho ...
11 years ago+1 1 0DVD Movie Review: Millions (2004)
The root of all evil? When Danny Boyle wasn t making Shallow Grave (1994) and Trainspotting (1996) and before he went on to the genius that was Slumdog Millionaire (2008) and the direction of the audacious opening ceremony for the London Olympics...
11 years ago+15 15 0Online Movie Review: Star Wars Downunder (2003)
When David Nicoll ( contacted us asking us to help promote a recently released Star Wars fan pic, who were we to say no? Immense fun, with SFX, jokes, professional quality shooting and subtitles for non-Australians ...
11 years ago+8 8 0DVD Movie Review: God Bless America (2011)
Where to begin? I suppose I should get the family tree out of the way. The guy who plays Frank in this (Joel Murray) is the brother of one Bill Murray, whom you may have heard of.