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Published 8 years ago by Neurobomber with 8 Comments
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  • DrunkOldMan

    I don't like the "forced" update aspect, unless you go with Pro and the Ultimate............

    • NinjaKlaus

      Even with Pro supposedly you can only delay the updates not stop them completely. Although there is a tool released quietly where you can continue to hide updates you don't want, you just have to manually download and use it, it's not built into the system. Windows 10 Hide Update Tool

      • DrunkOldMan

        Yeh I figured someone would come up with a way around it. Still I think I'm gonna wait it out a little longer.

  • Fuyu

    That Wifi Sharing warning is a savior to me. I buy my own internet at college, and it'd be a horror story if 20+ people suddenly had access to my internet 24/7 just because my roommates or I had the added somewhere.

  • spaceghoti

    Great! Once they come out with their first Service Pack, I'll go ahead and give it a try.

    • NinjaKlaus

      Microsoft's answers department has been going all out informing people "the days of service packs are behind us" which is the reason behind the whole always updated where you can't turn off updates idea. answers.microsoft

  • sixstorm

    I'll be upgrading once my workplace can download it. We love to stay on the cutting edge.

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