• racerxonclar

    I've been skimming the AMA and honestly, I'm depressed that I haven't seen a single mention about the blatant manipulation of the userbase by yishan. Not a single question asking for spez's view on it or calling it out. To the point, I'm honestly starting to wonder if I blew thing out of proportion, because there's no way I'm the only person that viewed it that way :/

    • Medicine (edited 8 years ago)

      That was what I found interesting about Yishan's comments. I realized how easy the users were to manipulate. The comments were so completely over-the-top I felt embarrassed to be in the threads

      • racerxonclar

        Trust is a powerful thing. Once earned... it can be abused. And it looks like it was. "You either die a hero or you live long enough to see yourself become the villain" comes to mind, honestly.

    • SevenTales (edited 8 years ago)

      No, I see it exactly like you, that's one of the reasons for my deleting my account. And with all that happened in the past two weeks, it cannot be blown out of proportions, it's already approaching critical mass by itself, without any help.

      Edit: I skimmed the AMA as well, and it's all damage control and evading the hard questions. hmmm.