• zerozechs

    I left reddit for a single reason: the censoring of dissent about reddit leadership or the actions they take. There was a few days there, when the subreddits went dark, that no posts at all about Pao et al made it to the front page. When I tried to make a post asking what was going on, the automoderator deleted it.

    Noped right out of there. Decided that I wasn't going to give revenue to a business that wouldn't listen to customer concerns or complaints. Now I see that the admins are being downright antagonistic in their approach to the userbase, which is really disappointing.

    All that being said; how much corporations and businesses can control our basic rights is one of those major issues that isn't going away. The major ones, online, are privacy and free speech. You can opt not to use those services, but finding one that doesn't impede or infringe on one or the other is very difficult.

    • Spar

      I can say from moderator experience that a lot of subs were so flooded with related posts that we deleted them on the subreddit level. I honestly don't think the admins were removing posts criticizing the site.

      Granted, I moved over here at the same time. I didn't agree at all with their approach to the situation.

      • zerozechs

        Fair enough. There's no way I could get the whole picture from the perspective I had/have. Still, the admins behavior (towards the userbase and the mods) is unacceptable, and reddit has some very real social issues that have to be addressed. I'll just keep on staying out of that whole mess, and be here in greener, non-vitriolic pastures.