9 years ago
A Linux User's OS X Experience
I am not Apple's target audience, I like hacking on hardware and software I've been given. However, as a sceptic I owe it to myself to at least give something a shot before I knock it. And I did. I really did. So, what's my opinion on OS X? I can't stand it any more. Get me the **** out of here.
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Dude is just looking for an argument. Are there problems with OSX? You bet. There's problems with every modern OS. Some you can work around, others you learn to live with.
Personally, I develop on my Mac and have had zero issues getting the appropriate libraries and fundamentals installed. At worst I can always hit up Brew or Macports for libraries or applications which there isn't an appropriate version pre-installed (I'm looking at you, wget. How the fuck did apple forget you).
EFI has been an Intel Standard for a decade now. Got problems with it? Talk to Intel, it's theirs.
Agreed with the EFI thing. He seems to forget that the BIOS standard that preceded [U]EFI was also proprietary. CoreBoot is a nice iniative, but unless it gets direct support from Intel/AMD/ARM, it'll always be a hobby thing for tinkerers with enough time, equipment and devepment skills to make it run.
I'm a former Linux user turned OS X user myself and I have no issues what so ever with OS X, it runs beautifully and it never gets in the way. The author is obviously biased and wrote his article with a chip already being firmly integrated in his shoulder. Wonder if the chip's source code is available?
He's the kind of Angry Nerd(Tm) I used to be in decades past. Bringing his rant to light has more to do with showing how not to approach a product review that the merits of his critique itself.
How he downplays problems with Linux, such as the enourmous ammount of time that it takes to customize a compiled-from-scratch distribution while overstating perceived problems with MacOS is definetely not a way to approach the issue.
We were all there once, some of us call them the "Linux Youth(tm)". It perfectly describes the honeymoon period where they're cheerleaders for their favorite distributions and can find no fault with anything related and nothing but fault with all of the competition. "My WIFI doesn't work, the DVD tray won't close, and the display doesn't come on but it works perfectly! hah! I know the compiled from scratch distribution pain all to well.
Oh, yes. the (not so) good old days of checking harware compatibility lists before buying any gear. If we have it easy today, we have to thank, of all companies, Microsoft. They used their monopoly power for good for once, they forced hardware makers to adopt standard interfaces, so they could use gwneric drivers on windows Vista and forward. This is why pretty much any PC today works with Linux without fuss.
lol. that's good. I like that.
I doubt it. Macs use proprietary Intel Chips. If he wants an ope-source chip on his shoulder, he better get a SPARC machine.