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Published 9 years ago by Nelson with 5 Comments

The Uber-ization of everything: these guys make $1000 a week standing in line


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  • b1ackbird

    I think the de-centralization of society is probably going to be the biggest thing to happen since the internet, or the wheel.

    Imagine a world not plagued by middle-men adding taxes to this or that. The power returns to the people at large. Uber/Lyft and other such products aren't just changing their industries. They are reshaping the way people understand services as a whole.

    • Nelson

      I just don't see this happening any time soon.

      • Triseult (edited 9 years ago)

        It's already happening to taxis to the point that some taxi unions and governments are freaking out. It's also happening to the vacation rental market with Airbnb to the point that it's driving up real estate prices. I've also used Elance and Odesk a bit.

        The future is already here, dude.

        Personally, both Uber and Airbnb have already reshaped my travel experience. In countries where taxis are overpriced or unsafe (France and Bulgaria come to mind), Uber is a godsend. And Airbnb allows me to stay in fully-furnished apartments instead of cheap hotel rooms.

        b1ackbird is right, this is reshaping the concept of services. It used to be that a company provided the staff to provide a service, but nowadays they're providing the platform that empowers local entrepreneurs to offer their services.

        • b1ackbird

          Agreed- this is already the world we live in today. This is the low-rumble of a burgeoning wave coming over the horizon.

  • Triseult

    I don't understand how having a company to wait in line is "uber-ization." I would understand "uber-ization" to mean an online platform that facilitates contact between suppliers and buyers of a service... This is just some dude providing an admittedly quirky service through a website.

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