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9 years agoLevel Up Natarey
Level 3
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9 years agoAchievement Natarey
Red Eye Jedi
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+1305 XP -
9 years ago
That's a more enthusiastic appraisal of using one of these on a day-to-day basis than I've heard -- haha, but even there, you end with "It's not completely essential . . . but it's nice to have", so I don't know. It just seems like a lot of money to spend on something that's not in the "Hey, this makes my life significantly better!" class of devices.
9 years agoComment Natarey
The video embedded in the article was a really fascinating watch!
9 years agoComment Natarey
The software looks nice, but it doesn't seem to solve the broader problem with smart watches for me -- the lack of use cases. I can't think of a situation where using a smaller, less-responsive screen would be better than just pulling out my phone. I don't need stock information at a glance. Voice recognition isn't good enough to do any meaningful text communication on the things. The navigation stuff looks usable, but I wouldn't use it while driving. Google Now isn't good enough at answering questions or doing tasks that I can trust it not to screw up -- and those screw ups would have to be fixed on my phone, anyway.
I know some people who have used these things, and they've said that the notifications are kind of nice -- but even that sort of sounds like a nightmare, to me. Constantly having something tap my wrist for attention, or vibrate, or ding? How would I ever focus on anything? Do I really need to know any of this stuff right this second?
The entire category of devices seems like a solution in search of a problem to me. They can update the software all they want, but until it does something better than the experience of just pulling out my phone, it's just not super interesting to me. And, judging by the sales of all these devices, it's not super interesting to a lot of people.
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9 years agoLevel Up Natarey
Level 2
Natarey is now level 2 with 2,210 XP.
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9 years agoAchievement Natarey
Hat Trick
Maintained a 3 day login streak 2/2 times! Congratulations Natarey on this achievement!
+1300 XP -
9 years agoComment Natarey
I actually thought the first comment on that article was pretty funny:
My feeling about stuff like this has always been... if someone is willing to take the time, money, and effort to do this against you... I think this security issue is the least of your worries...
This sort of stuff is super fascinating, though. Made me immediately think of the Van Eck Phreaking stuff from Cryptonomicon.
9 years agoComment Natarey
Huh. This just upgraded my interest in Heavy Metal from "Gosh, remember that?" to "Wow, they still make that?"